Prayer + Fasting

We are starting off the new year with alignment in the spirit. Join us for a year of prayer and fasting! We are encouraging every family to fast as they feel led to in 2025.
What is fasting? Fasting is abstaining from food. Instead of filling ourselves with the physical thing we need to keep us going, we are filling our spirits with God's Word and making room for the Holy Spirit to work.

Fasting is also following Jesus' example (Matthew 4:1-11). When Satan came to tempt Jesus in the wilderness during His 40 day fast, he could find no weak spot in Jesus because Jesus leaned on God and the Holy Spirit to be what sustained Him and what strengthened Him when He was in a vulnerable, physically challenging state.

Why do we fast as Christians? Answer that question by answering these: Do you need healing: emotionally, physically mentally, spiritually? Do you need strength in your spirit? Do you need direction in a specific area of your life this coming year and the years to come? You should fast.
Fasting is seeking the Holy Spirit to lead you and guide you by giving up what physically sustains you (food) and looking to God to sustain you spiritually.

Lastly, fasting empties you of things that you find "too" much attachment to. Empty yourself to allow God to move in and begin to do things not just for you but in you.

From scripture, we know fasting moves things. Get ready for giants to fall, rivers to flow, and the Heavens to open as we fast this coming year.

“Prayer is reaching out after the unseen; fasting is letting go of all that is seen and temporal.  Fasting helps express, deepen, confirm the resolution that we are ready to sacrifice anything, even ourselves to attain what we seek for the kingdom of God.”

 - Andrew Murray