Gen Z doesn't walk alone

Fairview Students

At Fairview Students, teens can come and take a breather from the stress of school, life, and struggle. Our goal is to teach them that no matter how isolated they may feel in today's world, they do not walk alone.

We want our students to know that Jesus is the most important thing. At this crucial part in their lives we want to lay a solid foundation of what it truly means to seek first the Kingdom.

As these teens transition into having more adult responsibilities, we want to teach them there is a God who loves them and is willing to do the heavy lifting 

Wednesday Nights

Fairview Students meet every Wednesday night at 6:30pm in the youth room.

Grades 7-12
Teens can come to Fairview Students expecting God to move in their lives. We want them to experience Heaven this side of eternity. We also want them to take what they have experienced and tell others so they may come to know Jesus and who they were truly meant to be. 
Contact Fairview Students
Jaron & Lacey Tinker - Student Pastors
Or message us on instagram @fairview.students