D - Dig Through Daily Discipleship
E - 
Encounter God
E - 
Eyes on Jesus
P - 
Position through Prayer
E - 
Empowered by the Spirit
R - 
Reach the lost & Ready our families
Fairview Church is going through the Bible in one year together chronologically. Click the link to the left to download the reading guide.


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to grow DEEPER in God’s Word, your relationship with Him, and growth in community by doing this together!

As I prayed for direction for this coming year for us in 2024, I truly believe I've heard from the Lord. God's desire for this year is "DIG DEEPER." My vision is to see "Pockets of Prayer" starting in every home through family devotion and prayer. As we journey through life in 2024, my prayer for you and your family is that you will join my family and I as we go DEEPER in God and have encounters with Him around our dinner table. We are in this together, so please know as you hear me, we follow God together with our families. I love you and I am praying for you and yours today!